
Levenberg-Marquardt sparse solver scaling

Notes on using Strumpack within CCTBX Here are the documented results of using Strumpack on a single node for a variety of data set sizes (StrumpackSolverMPI_1K,StrumpackSolverMPI_5K,StrumpackSolverMPI_10K). All tests were performed on, and allow the tests to be repeated at the user’s discretion. Example matrices for a variety of different refinement parameters are listed in the given paths, and the times represent a single solution. Setting up and running STRUMPACK To build STRUMPACK alongside a conda cctbx.

Levenberg-Marquardt sparse solver scaling: 10K data set

STRUMPACK vs EIGEN performance The goal of this notebook is to allow the documentation of STRUMPACK vs EIGEN performance to be maintained in a single accessible location. The environment within which this notebook is run follows the standard cctbx conda build instructions available here. For this instance, we are using the STRUMPACK-enabled build of cctbx located at ExaFEL:cctbx_project(str_merge). STRUMPACK is currently built using the installation script, and if the installation takes place within the same directory as moddules and build, the cctbx build process can make use of it as a backend.

Levenberg-Marquardt sparse solver scaling: 1K data set

STRUMPACK vs EIGEN performance The goal of this notebook is to allow the documentation of STRUMPACK vs EIGEN performance to be maintained in a single accessible location. The environment within which this notebook is run follows the standard cctbx conda build instructions available here. For this instance, we are using the STRUMPACK-enabled build of cctbx located at ExaFEL:cctbx_project(str_merge). STRUMPACK is currently built using the installation script, and if the installation takes place within the same directory as moddules and build, the cctbx build process can make use of it as a backend.

Levenberg-Marquardt sparse solver scaling: 5K data set

STRUMPACK vs EIGEN performance The goal of this notebook is to allow the documentation of STRUMPACK vs EIGEN performance to be maintained in a single accessible location. The environment within which this notebook is run follows the standard cctbx conda build instructions available here. For this instance, we are using the STRUMPACK-enabled build of cctbx located at ExaFEL:cctbx_project(str_merge). STRUMPACK is currently built using the installation script, and if the installation takes place within the same directory as moddules and build, the cctbx build process can make use of it as a backend.

Levenberg-Marquardt sparse solver scaling: Cori Haswell and KNL

Performance tests of STRUMPACK using OpenMP and MPI on Cori We make use of the linear solver backends within cctbx.xfel, and evaluate their performance on a variety of sample A matrices and b vectors for 1k, 5k, 10k, and 32k images each, and for a variety of different refinement parameters. The time to solve a single sparse system will offer insight into the time spent during the Levenberg-Marquardt minimisation process.

Levenberg-Marquardt sparse solver scaling: Initial tests

STRUMPACK vs EIGEN performance The goal of this notebook is to allow the documentation of STRUMPACK vs EIGEN performance to be maintained in a single accessible location. The environment within which this notebook is run follows the standard cctbx conda build instructions available here. For this instance, we are using the STRUMPACK-enabled build of cctbx located at ExaFEL:cctbx_project(str_merge). STRUMPACK is currently built using the installation script, and if the installation takes place within the same directory as moddules and build, the cctbx build process can make use of it as a backend.


Exascale FEL crystallography